Be All of the Above


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Hello Friends!

Welcome to the first post of my new blog “Free To Be”.  My name is Melissa Olsheski, and I’m grateful you’ve stopped to check it out!  Let me introduce myself…

In recent years I’ve come to see myself as an “All of the Above” kind of woman.  As best as I can explain, that means I have accepted the awesome realization that I (just like you) am made up of layers upon layers of beautiful and complex emotions, talents, interests, gifts and aspirations. I realize that I possess wisdom of what’s ABOVE me, which helps me appreciate ALL of what’s in me. In my “middle-age”, I’ve gotten totally comfortable with my perfect imperfection. And I want that for you too!

I was born a New Yorker and retired early to FL (at the age of 21) seeking sun and fun. My supportive husband and two great kids never know what I’ll be up to next. My interests span from sports to the arts, from science to philosophy, from history to mysticism. I love and appreciate silence, yet I’m energized by noisy stimulation.  I’m totally social, but I’m just as happy staying home watching movies under a cozy blanket with my family. The beach is my happy place, but the mountains help me ground. I’ve always sought the illusion of a “balanced” life, but more often choose to find joy amidst daily whirlwinds, many of which I create for myself.

I lift heavy weights and shake my bootie in Zumba. I run my kids like a crazy person to their activities, hate to cook but love to eat. My trainers and coaches yell at me for non-compliance to their recommendations. I hire out as many household services as my husband lets me, and WAY too many people know my garage code. I love to put on my makeup, some hot chunky heals and a cute, sexy dress when I’m not in my workout clothes or “day jammies” with no bra. I regularly yell at my kids to “Stop fighting and just love each other!” I take the term “Universal” VERY literally, seeing people of every race, nationality, culture and religion since the beginning of (and beyond this) time as my sisters and brothers in Creation. I participate in my faith and pray in church, restaurants, synagogues, nature, temples, yoga class, bed and wherever else I find myself; because I know that Holy Spirit stays with me and you, regardless of how we each practice Spirituality.  Some may think of me as a living, breathing example of confusion. But my vision and purpose is clear as it can be… to share with anyone who will listen, that LOVE IS EVERYTHING.

In my process of living, I’ve learned that beyond the titles, degrees and credentials I hold (Business Owner, Wife, Exercise Physiologist, Mother, Sales Director, Empowerment Coach, Family Coordinator Extraordinaire and now Blogger, just to name a few), the fullness of my true self cannot be easily explained, categorized or labeled.  I firmly believe that every human on the face of the earth has the innate need to embrace the boundless potential of their own diversity and uniqueness.  It’s this understanding that allows me the FREEDOM to love myself always, both on days that flow, and days that I’m a hot mess! 

My decision to write publically stems from a deep desire to make a positive difference in the world.  I’m looking to serve people who are thirsting for something… those who want to know themselves better and love themselves more, want to attract more positivity to their lives and have deeper connections with others. I’m looking to help those seeking healing or forgiveness, those who are ready to push beyond their current limitations or blockages in thought or action.  It’s so easy to say “I just want to feel like myself”, but it’s much deeper work to actually find and maintain who we are amidst worldly influences.  I’m looking for those of you yearning to feel peaceful and free to “Just Be”.

I’m passionate about assisting you in uncovering, discovering and recovering ALL of your personal power. My desire is to provide thoughtful, helpful and inspiring content to help assist you in your own personal growth and development.  You can expect that some of my posts will provide “feel good” messages, encouraging you to let go and breathe! Some will challenge you to question yourself, think deeper, and discern meaning and purpose beyond your current understanding. I’ll always strive to provide great resources, and tips for self-care or healthy living. I hope that some posts will enlighten you and move you into action. I’m guessing that others might bore you or piss you off.  But I’m confident that most of what you’ll find here will enrich you. My greatest honor is to encourage people to love themselves, respect others, and learn great lessons along the way.  I’m excited to grow this online community.  I’m happy to help expand minds, as I trust my Maker to give me ideas to share.  And as we stretch, we will continue to blossom as mindful lovers of our own souls, intellect and divinity. This growth will feed our families and communities as well. Because how we show up in the world affects the dynamic around us.  So feel free to comment, share or reach out! I’ll be posting at least a few times weekly. Thanks for tuning in. I can’t wait to watch us fly!


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